Snack Fund
Supporting aviation workers in need
Like many employees and business owners, aviation workers have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many pilots, flight attendants, ground crews, and other staff have been laid-off or furloughed.

While there are various efforts to help aviation workers underway at the federal, state, and community level, those are not enough for many to pay their rent or essential bills.

Meanwhile, rest of us have significantly cut down the volume of our personal and business air travel. Many of us haven't been to an airport since March 2020.

We missed airports, airplanes, and the whole flying experience... even the plane food :)
With that in mind, we thought that we can bring the in-flight food and beverage ordering experience to you digitally while helping the aviation workers.

Although most of the basic items are available onboard for free, we invite you to "purchase" a virtual version your favorite snacks below.

You will not be receiving an actual version of the item, but we hope knowing that 100% of payments collected will be donated to workers in need will be more satisfactory.

Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to your support.

Have a nice virtual flight and bon appétit!
Select your favorite snack(s) below and donate
Please Remember: You are not buying an actual item; instead, you are making a donation to the In-Flight Snack Covid Relief Fund.
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Or Select Your Own Amount
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